Set Appointments In Your Sleep
Stop pushing paper. Start earning more business. With an online scheduler available 24/7, the final step in the conversion process is always available to your prospective customers.
With the HomeGauge ONE scheduler, you will:
Save Money
Most Inspectors are paying extra for a Scheduler, when it should be included with your services, like with HomeGauge.
Skip the Admin
When you embed in your website, you save time and paper with digital scheduling, available 24/7, whenever your customer needs it. You also get automated notifications via your Inspector dashboard.
Get Noticed
Embed the scheduler in your existing website for a seamless customer experience that also helps with your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and increases user engagement.
Customize the Experience
Choose custom service offerings, pricing display, service descriptions, and quantities. Users can even see inspection services, taxes, and total on the ‘Review & Confirm Appointment’ pages.
Stay Organized
Stop synchronizing appointments between tools. Your appointment details, agreements, and the report itself, are all accessible, and your appointments can be integrated with your Google or Microsoft Outlook calendar.
The statistics say it all
Millennials who will only book online
Customers who book appointments outside of typical business hours
Customers who prefer to book online
What our inspectors think about our FREE scheduler
I have been using the scheduler feature for a few months, and I have to say that it is pretty handy to have this as an added way to book an appointment. The more you can get folks to use this, the simpler life can be for you. Overall — I think it is an amazing interface.
This scheduler has started to be a life saver… this has started to streamline the process. Thank you for all the continued support!!
Scheduling coordinators from real estate groups I work with have short time frames to schedule home, sewer, and well inspections. They coordinate appointments with all the inspectors, client, and seller’s representative. Before ScheduleNow, I shared my private scheduling calendar with a couple select realtors to expedite their scheduling tasks. Even with my calendar and HG’s “Request an Inspection”, realtors scheduling expectations were not met. I switched over to the HomeGauge ONE scheduler with little difficulty and realtors love the time it saves them.
Already subscribed to HomeGauge? This Scheduler is FREE to you!
How to get set up
It doesn’t take long to add your time slots and start taking appointments with ScheduleNow, which minimizes your administration needs. We’ve explained all you need to know about how to configure and use ScheduleNow right here, and there’s even a video to walk you through the steps!
If you have more questions, start a live chat with one of our team members in our Support Center.

*Shown above: The ScheduleNow appointment date and time selector that you can embed on your website!
Recent ScheduleNow bulletins…
Our New Scheduler Is Now Available
HomeGauge’s highly awaited, FREE scheduling feature, ScheduleNow, is here at last! We want to let you know that ScheduleNow is currently available to ALL single inspectors with a HomeGauge subscription or services! This new scheduling functionality is simple to set up and easy to use. Check out this Support Center article to learn everything you need to know about how to configure and use...
Good News! A New Scheduler & Postponed Pricing Changes
We’re excited to share some good news with you! First, we want you to know that our Inspectors are our main priority, and we’ve talked with a lot of you about the hardships you’re going through right now because of COVID-19. These conversations have really hit home, and helped us understand the stress everyone is already enduring, so in that light, we’re going to postpone our price increases and...
Want to take your business to another level?
Speak to a HomeGauge team member about custom Home Inspector Websites, SEO, Blogging, and Hosting Services.
When you subscribe to HomeGauge Web Services, you also receive:
- Scheduler and embedding support for your website scheduler
- Assistance in optimizing your website to help drive appointments from your web property
- Custom websites, SEO, blogging, managed website hosting, maintenance services and more!